Showing posts with label Importance of geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Importance of geography. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

15 Quotes about Geography.

These 15 quotes about geography tell us about its importance as a subject, for life on earth and why everyone should study geography in their life.


The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. -Barack Obama

Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future. -Michael Palin

Physical geography and geology are inseparable scientific twins. - Roderick Murchison

What makes a nation in the beginning is a good piece of geography. - Robert Frost

Everywhere's been where it is ever since it was first put there. It's called geography. -Terry Pratchett

Geography should be the ultimate deciding factor for every political dilemma for proximity to an ailing land is bound to result in one's infection. -Aysha Taryam

Geography prepares for the world of work - geographers, with their skills of analysis are highly employable! -Michael Palin

Geography is the study of earth as the home of people. - Yi-Fu Tuan

Geography is the key, the crucial accident of birth. A piece of protein could be a snail, a sea lion, or a systems analyst, but it had to start somewhere. This is not science; it is merely metaphor. And the landscape in which the protein "starts" shapes its end as surely as bowls shape water. -Annie Dillard

It is impossible to understand history, international politics, the world economy, religions, philosophy, or ‘patterns of culture’ without taking geography into account.- Kenneth C. Davis

Without geography you're nowhere.- Jimmy Buffett

If you know a country's geography, you can understand and predict its foreign policy.- Napoleon Bonaparte

In our changing world nothing changes more than geography.- Pearl S. Buck

If geography is prose, maps are iconography. -Lennart Meri

Geography is the art of the mappable. -Peter Haggett