Showing posts with label Local scale climatic events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Local scale climatic events. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Scale of Climatic Events

Thundercloud formation
Formation of Thunderclouds

Climatic phenomenon or events are global feature which occur all over the Earth’s surface. However, their nature, intensity and occurrence may be diverse. The Indian subcontinent may experience monsoonal rainfall while the same may not occur in other parts of the world. Similarly, snowfall may not occur in tropical islands whereas it is quite a normal occurrence in temperate and tundra region. These events occurring in these region are different from each other but are a global happening.

A distinguishing aspect about these climatic events is that they occur along different spatial and temporal scales. To understand this concept, let’s take the example of a climatic event like Amphan Cyclone of May 2020. Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan was a powerful and catastrophic tropical cyclone that caused widespread damage in Eastern India, specifically West Bengal, and also Bangladesh. Amphan super cyclone covered an area of about 700 sq. km., which refers to the spatial scale of the climatic event.

Now Amphan cyclone originated from development of a low pressure area, east of Sri Lanka on 13th May 2020. It intensified and extended over the warm ocean and moved northwards. On 20the May, 2020 the cyclone made landfall in West Bengal. The whole climatic event from origination to landfall took around 7-8 days which is the temporal scale of the climatic event.

Space and time scales of dynamical processes in the atmosphere. Source - UCAR
Space and time scales of dynamical processes in the atmosphere. Source - UCAR

If we consider the temporal and spatial scale of climatic events occurring in different parts of the world, it is observed that an event with large spatial extent usually has a longer temporal range and vice versa. To understand this let’s look at the following graph by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), where the relationship between spatial and temporal scale of climatic events has been shown. Events like minor turbulence or heat wave covering small area occurs for few hours. Whereas events like Cyclones, planetary waves have a larger spatial extent and hence occur for longer period. So, there is usually a direct relationship between the areal coverage of individual atmospheric event and the time scale in which that occurs.

So considering the spatial and temporal scale, climatic events can be divided into following classes:

• Planetary scale -

• Synoptic scale

• Meso-climate

• Local scale

• Micro-climate

Let’s understand them with their examples -

  • Planetary scale – These are the climatic events/phenomenon which occurs over an entire hemisphere or even the entire globe. This is the largest spatial scale possible because it encompasses atmospheric phenomena on the order of 10,000 to 40,000 km. The largest spatial systems mostly operate over the longest time scales, so planetary-scale systems operate over temporal scales that span weeks to months.

Example - Major latitudinal pressure and wind belts that encircle the planet.

  • Synoptic scale - Climatic phenomenon of spatial scale covering about 100 to 10,000 km are synoptic scale events. The systems of this size typically operate over periods of days to weeks.

Examples - Cyclone systems with their associated fronts.

Synoptic scale climatic event Hurricane Irma on Sept. 07, 2017. Source - NOAA's GOES satellite image

  • Mesoscale - Climatic events that operate over areas of about 5 and 100 km. They typically last from a few hours to a few days. It is possible that there exists mesoscale climatic event within a synoptic climatic event. For example, in a cyclone affected area there may be some pocket which does not experience severe activity. These difference may be created by elevation differences, slope aspect, bodies of water, differences in vegetation cover, urban areas, etc.
 Example - Mountain/valley breeze and land/sea breeze circulation systems.

  • Local scale - Local scale climatic events operates over areas between about 0.5 and 5 km — about the size of a small town. The time duration of such an occurrence is few hours or a day at maximum. The local scale activity may be natural as well as caused by human activities. Minor weather changes caused by human activities mostly in urban areas is also a local scale climatic activity.
 Example - A typical thunderstorm also falls into the natural local scale activity. Whereas, occurrence of Urban heat island effect in cities where the city temperature is higher than the surrounding suburban/rural areas, is an example of human induced local scale activity.

  • Micro scale – Climatic events that operate along this spatial scale are smaller than 0.5 km and typically last from a few minutes to a few hours.
 Example - A tree canopy with difference in temperature with surrounding area, wind movement in a forested and deserted area; micro climate of residential buildings as compared to factories are some of the example.


      Climatology by Robert V. Rohli and Anthony J. Vega.

      Weather and Climatology by A.K. Sil.

Image by jplenio from Pixabay