Showing posts with label The universe and Geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The universe and Geography. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Moon swallowed the Sun!

The Phenomena

A geographical occurrence which has always made human mind curious. Solar eclipse and a special one, as it occurred on summer solstice. Let us review the concept of Solar eclipse and summer solstice.

The Concept

Solar Eclipse -

Now the image below shows exactly what happens during a solar eclipse. Sun is the major star around which Earth and Eight other planets and a "dwarf" planets revolve. Moon is the satellite of the sun. During a solar eclipse, the Sun, Moon and the Earth are aligned in a straight line with Moon in-between. Shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth obstructing the Sun, resulting in a solar eclipse.

Summer Solstice -

Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. Do you know that the summer solstice is on different days on different parts of the Earth?

In the northern hemisphere (Hemisphere means half sphere), it is on 21st June and in the southern hemisphere is on 22nd December. This is also the starting point of the winters in Northern Hemisphere as length of the day start to decrease after this astronomical event.

Now, a solstice occurs because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis and its tilt. This leads to different duration of days and night on each hemisphere. This also leads to the formation of seasons.

Solstice is not only a astronomical event defining the starting of seasons, but it is celebrated in many parts of the world. Historical monuments like Stonehenge, Egypt's pyramids are also a tribute to the Sun and Solstice.

Significance -

All over the world, Solar eclipse has been considered as a evil omen; harbinger of disaster and death resulting in many superstitions. But if we analyze, it is also an effect which may change the life of man in a minor way or in a major way; in a positive or a negative way. This event of solar eclipse on summer solstice is rarest event. In this century, it will occur again only on 21st June in 2039 and last time it occurred on 21st June 2001.
Solar Eclipse 2020 LIVE Updates (Partial Solar Eclipse is seen in Chandigarh at 11:09am) Image: Kamleshwar Singh/Express photo from

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